AltMUN Secretariat

Juan Pablo OBrien Del Castillo


Hi, I am Juan Pablo and I have the great privilege of being the Secretary-General for this year’s edition of AltMun! My MUN experience began a few years ago and in hindsight joining my school’s MUN team was one of the best decisions I have taken in my secondary years. Whenever I am not in school or doing MUN or debate I am probably watching Youtube videos ranging from historical documentaries to movie reviews or drinking Pepsi. See you soon!

Nicolas Suarez

Deputy Secretary-General

Hey! I’m Nicolas Suarez, I’m currently in the second year of the IB and I have the honor of being the Deputy Secretary-General of AltMUN 2022! I’ve been in MUN for around 5 years and I absolutely love it. Personally, I really enjoy doing sports such as fencing or badminton and I really like everything that has to do with science and writing. I hope to see you around!

Tatiana Cherepanova

Faculty Advisor

Hello to all! Its my 5th year as a Faculty Advisor in Peru, but my love for MUN began in the Netherlands during BA in International Studies. I have participated in the conferences in Sweden, Serbia, Colombia and the USA. However, my most memorable UN-related experience was the visit to the UN headquarters in Vienna, Austria to learn about SDGs. The SDGs I’m the most passionate about are #4 (Quality Education) and #5 (Gender Equality).

Our Team

Get to know our MUN team! Here ares some pictures from past conferences we have attended.